Other accident

An accident in a public place - a fall on uneven pavement, slippery surface, trauma after falling into a hole, etc. These types of accidents happen very often. Many people say that the injuries sustained in such cases are too small to claim compensation. Note that if the accident was due to negligence of the person responsible for maintenance must sidewalks, alleys, pedestrian streets or public spaces within buildings can claim compensation. These types of cases are usually very complicated, because it is often difficult to determine whether the fault can not be held by third parties. If you happened to the accident call. Will provide the necessary information and help guide your case.
Bitten by an animal - bitten by animals involve a fairly serious consequences. Dogs have a habit of shaking booty which could lead to such extensive damage that may be required skin graft surgery. If you have been bitten by a dog whose breed is on the list of dangerous breeds, and assuming that the dog owner has the necessary insurance for this type of accident can bring a case for compensation. Unfortunately, if such insurance pet owner does not have a chance of getting compensation decreases and remains only the possibility of initiating a typical way of civil proceedings. In such a situation should expect long wait to resolve the matter.