How to get compensation for electricity pylons on a plot?

Landowners may apply for compensation from the companies that use power lines or gas. At the same time they can turn to sign the agreement on the establishment of paid transmission easement. If the plant does not want to agree to this, the court will establish an easement at the request of the landowner.
Energy companies, gas transmission companies and other profit from the sale of electricity and various raw materials. Their function would not have been possible without the construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure on private land.

Such interference in other people's land entails the payment of remuneration to the owners or freeholders, who can not be built in the vicinity of the gas or electricity pylons must avoid the cultivation of fields.

The problem of outstanding debt

The problem of unpaid debt can happen to anyone, regardless of financial status and profession. Problems with debt markets tend to have both workers and managers in large companies and even attorneys and bailiffs.

Statistics show that the more often the problem of outstanding debt is not due to bad faith of the debtor and more of life's problems, with which he meets the most important one is the loss of jobs and financial stability, then sickness, accidents and tragedies random, some debt collection agencies, thankfully , try to go to these problems. The problem of debt may indeed happen to anyone. In this text, we will describe the capabilities of dealing with unpaid debts.
Maybe I will not visionary, because all debt collection companies always recall that the basic principle is dealing with bailiffs. However, this is actually an important step towards solving the problem, usually with the bailiff's easy to find your way agreement and how to deal with bailiffs, the distribution of debt in installments or even a partial remission, while avoiding contact the bailiff enforces the need to use tools that are not necessarily pleasant to the debtor. Therefore, we make an appointment with the bailiff even lower monthly payment than to do nothing towards repaying debts. The bailiff always willing to sign the agreement.
People who fall into debt is not enough, they have often ruined problems are still too often damaged psyche - depression, mental breakdown, it is important that at such a time also take care of your well-being and find the right support. As it turns out, people suppress their problems inside, rather not talk about their problems. Otherwise happens in other Western countries, where the person falling into a long meeting with friends, said: "You know, I have financial problems" and help from friends can sometimes be more valuable and useful than counseling.
As a rule, seek the assistance of the Internet forum is probably one of the worst ideas that can have a positive impact on the development of the case. The content of the advice on the internet forum is equal to or even below zero.
Another common practice is hiring companies "deleveraging". Such a person will do the same, what would the debtor talking to a debt collection company, which will propose the distribution of the debt in installments or other form of agreement, which will clear the extra for their work a few pennies.


Commonly referred to as compensation for damages or compensation for damages to that action which is given to the creditor or the victim to demand from the debtor or of causing harm an amount of money equivalent to the value or benefit to would have reported that effective compliance, full and timely instituted the obligation between the parties or repair of harm caused to the victim. Dissemination However, the correct term to refer to this legal remedy is restitution, since the term is also often mentioned compensation expenditures that performs an insurance company pursuant to the contract with the insured or payment made the State when exercising its ius imperium, expropriate the ownership of an individual in order to meet a public need.
The damage (see Damage) is the creditor's equity decrease as a result of breach of the duty, be it a real or actual loss, or simply a bonus.
Types of compensation:
The compensation may, depending on its source, classified as:
Contract: The debtor must pay in case of breach a contractual duty, in order to compensate the creditor for its breach.
Tort: Is derived from the willful act or omission or fault that causes damage to another person. Such action may also arise in connection with the commission of a crime.

How much compensation we can expect?

Many times people ask how much compensation they can expect. Despite the fact that our company has already dealt with thousands of cases of compensation are not able to provide specific information. The amount of compensation is determined by many factors such as:
-Age of the victim - young people or children most frequently receive larger amounts of damages, as injury will be felt for quite a long period of time than an older person
-The extent and severity of injuries - individuals who have suffered minor superficial injuries receive appropriate compensation from a smaller amount of people who have suffered such severe internal injuries, brain injuries or broken bones.
-Recovery time - damage that healing occurs in a few days or weeks will be priced much lower than the damage that the healing process is long and lasts from a few months up to several years.
-Suspicion of a permanent disability - in some cases, damage may cause more or less disability. The level of disability is assessed by an independent medical expert and on the basis of the amount of compensation is calculated.

Compensation for accidents involving animals

Being aware of the fact that every owner of a dog or another animal, which may result in injury or cause an accident is not responsible approach to such matters very seriously. The most common type of injury are bitten by a dog. Due to the fact that dogs are used to pull the victim, in the case of severe bites often require skin graft operations and long-term rehabilitation. Company FCS-ACCIDENT happy to help lead this type of case, allowing you to focus only on the speedy recovery. Also remember that dogs of all sizes and race should always be under the control of the owner, especially near places where children play. The law on dangerous breeds clearly states the obligations that rest on the shoulders of the owners. Breeds such should always be kept on a leash and wear a muzzle. In addition, every owner of dogs that includes the Act is required to take out an insurance policy in case of such a situation. The second most common type of accidents involving animals are car collision with horses or cattle, which for some reason got out of control people dozorujących. Please note that in this case, call the police, because the claim for damages is very difficult to prove the guilt of the other party.

Other accident

An accident in a public place - a fall on uneven pavement, slippery surface, trauma after falling into a hole, etc. These types of accidents happen very often. Many people say that the injuries sustained in such cases are too small to claim compensation. Note that if the accident was due to negligence of the person responsible for maintenance must sidewalks, alleys, pedestrian streets or public spaces within buildings can claim compensation. These types of cases are usually very complicated, because it is often difficult to determine whether the fault can not be held by third parties. If you happened to the accident call. Will provide the necessary information and help guide your case.
Bitten by an animal - bitten by animals involve a fairly serious consequences. Dogs have a habit of shaking booty which could lead to such extensive damage that may be required skin graft surgery. If you have been bitten by a dog whose breed is on the list of dangerous breeds, and assuming that the dog owner has the necessary insurance for this type of accident can bring a case for compensation. Unfortunately, if such insurance pet owner does not have a chance of getting compensation decreases and remains only the possibility of initiating a typical way of civil proceedings. In such a situation should expect long wait to resolve the matter.

How about traffic accident and accident at work

Traffic accident - collision with another vehicle, cyclist, hit pedestrian. In the event of this kind very often the beginning with various types of injuries from minor bruises and severe traumatic brain injury in the ending. In such situations, the amount of compensation depends on how extensive the damage is and how long we will have to treat them. It is difficult to determine without a concrete example of how much compensation you can expect. All persons interested in this topic are invited to telephone consultation with our experts.
Accident at work - This category is characterized by a very wide range of injuries and the circumstances of their occurrence. Damage and injuries can occur as a result of a sudden event such as: the rack to tip over, fall from a height or incident involving a forklift truck. They usually occur in such situations, damage type fractures, crushing, krawiące wounds, etc. The second type of damage which you may suffer in the workplace are damage due to prolonged exposure in areas with difficult conditions (excessive noise, chemical fumes, etc.), working with vibrating equipment (hammers, compactors, etc.). If the employer does not take care of it in order to minimize or completely eliminate occupational diseases (respiratory diseases, partial or complete loss of hearing, etc.), there is a real chance of receiving compensation, the amount of which will depend on the damage caused, the cost of treatment, the time required for rehabilitation or or in the worst case, the degree of disability.