How much compensation we can expect?

Many times people ask how much compensation they can expect. Despite the fact that our company has already dealt with thousands of cases of compensation are not able to provide specific information. The amount of compensation is determined by many factors such as:
-Age of the victim - young people or children most frequently receive larger amounts of damages, as injury will be felt for quite a long period of time than an older person
-The extent and severity of injuries - individuals who have suffered minor superficial injuries receive appropriate compensation from a smaller amount of people who have suffered such severe internal injuries, brain injuries or broken bones.
-Recovery time - damage that healing occurs in a few days or weeks will be priced much lower than the damage that the healing process is long and lasts from a few months up to several years.
-Suspicion of a permanent disability - in some cases, damage may cause more or less disability. The level of disability is assessed by an independent medical expert and on the basis of the amount of compensation is calculated.