
Commonly referred to as compensation for damages or compensation for damages to that action which is given to the creditor or the victim to demand from the debtor or of causing harm an amount of money equivalent to the value or benefit to would have reported that effective compliance, full and timely instituted the obligation between the parties or repair of harm caused to the victim. Dissemination However, the correct term to refer to this legal remedy is restitution, since the term is also often mentioned compensation expenditures that performs an insurance company pursuant to the contract with the insured or payment made the State when exercising its ius imperium, expropriate the ownership of an individual in order to meet a public need.
The damage (see Damage) is the creditor's equity decrease as a result of breach of the duty, be it a real or actual loss, or simply a bonus.
Types of compensation:
The compensation may, depending on its source, classified as:
Contract: The debtor must pay in case of breach a contractual duty, in order to compensate the creditor for its breach.
Tort: Is derived from the willful act or omission or fault that causes damage to another person. Such action may also arise in connection with the commission of a crime.